5 Fun Pool Mosaics for a Whimsical Pool

5 Fun Pool Mosaics for a Whimsical Pool

Having a pool means your home or property is the go-to destination for summer fun. In fact, with warmer weather just around the corner, it’s time to put away your jackets and break out the swimsuits. You must be thinking, how can I make my pool extra fun for all the friends and family I will be hosting this summer? Pool mosaics are an excellent way to show people you have a fun and creative side. Here at Blue Water Mosaics, we want your guests’ jaws to hit the floor when they see your pool. That is why we provide hundreds of different options to customize your pool. In this article, we will go over five mosaics that will add a whimsical flair to your swimming pool.


Dolphins are a beloved animal that reminds us of the wonders of sea life. You could spend thousands of dollars sending yourself and your family across the country to see them, but why go through all that effort? Dolphin pool mosaics provide that same magical feeling without the overwhelming price tag. In fact, you can get a dolphin mosaic for your pool for as little as $16 (tropical drinks not included!). Also, we recommend our larger “Playing Dolphins” pool mosaic. Your friends and family will never want to leave the pool when they are playing next to dolphins!


Can you name anything more whimsical than a mermaid? For centuries, mermaids have been associated with the magical side of sea life. Wouldn’t it be great if you could take some of that magic and put it in your own pool? When you purchase a mermaid mosaic through us, not only will you get industry-leading quality, but you will also provide fun memories for the people around you.


A popular vacation destination for many people is going to see the coral reefs around the world. However, with all the travel and training costs, you are already stressed about money by the time you get there. What if we told you that you could go coral-reef snorkeling in your own backyard? Coral reef pool mosaics will provide hours of entertainment for anyone who swims in your pool.

Medallion Pool Mosaics

If you want to add something fun and whimsical to your pool while also adding an elegant side, medallions will do the job. Medallions add a pop of color in your pool that will grab the attention of your guests. Also, with intricate designs, your pool will look more elegant.


You can’t have a list of whimsical pool mosaics without mentioning fish! Fish are beloved by almost everyone. We offer a wide variety of different kinds of fish guaranteed to add a unique and fun experience for anyone in your pool.

Industry-Leading Pool Mosaics

No matter what pool mosaics you decide to get, you need to get them from the right place. Here at Blue Water Pool Mosaics, we offer industry-leading pool mosaics at prices that can fit anyone’s budget. Come to our website today and turn your pool into a whimsical adventure.

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