Don’t Forget to Water the (Mosaic) Plants

Don’t Forget to Water the (Mosaic) Plants

Believe it or not, some people love plants but can’t be trusted to water them. Are you one of these people? If so, not to worry. Help is on the way from Blue Water Pool Mosaics.

Why is it people forget to water plants? It’s not that they don’t appreciate them; their lives are busy. Everyday life gets in the way, and before you know it, you’re scrambling, trying to find a plant to replace the one you neglected, hoping your sister, brother, mother, or friend who gave you the plant won’t notice. 

There are some things you can do. You might try this:

Place your plants next to your coffee pot. Tell yourself you don’t get coffee until you’ve checked the plant and watered it.

Mosaic Plants for Plant Fans

Or do you love plants? A lot of people do; plants have a positive effect on our mood. Have you ever walked up to a friend’s house, and there, on the front stoop, are two giant planters with ferns waving in the breeze and beautiful flowers on the porch?

And then, even though you’re not the best plant person, you find yourself thinking about how you can do the same thing at home. Plants on the doorstep, hanging baskets, or tulips lining the sidewalk… 

It’s not too late, you know. You can and should have the euphoric feeling of surrounding yourself with plants. What if we told you that you could surround yourself with plants all the time? How? When you have no intention of watering them – because that’s your track record? 

Beautiful greenery, right in your backyard. Blue Water Pool Mosaics has just the plants for you in the form of pre-assembled mosaics. Game changer! We’ve got seaweed, seagrass, and lily pads, and all you have to do is drop them into your pool. 

Here’s a glimpse of what’s waiting for you at Blue Water Pool Mosaics.

Mosaic Plants Option 1 – Seaweed

The number of species of freshwater algae and terrestrial algae is estimated to be about 35,000, but many more remain unidentified.

If you’ve ever walked on the floor of a lake or ocean and felt the squishy stuff between your toes, you’ve most likely encountered some form of seaweed. 

Are you aware of seaweed in Asian dishes? Salads, soups, sushi, and even stews make the most of seaweed. It’s okay if that’s not your thing; you don’t have to eat it. And you can enjoy seaweed without the gooeyness or wondering what you might step on. Order a seaweed mosaic in the size you need and tiptoe through the kelp!

You might not know this, but seaweed has many health benefits. According to WebMD, seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, which plays a role in thyroid health. It’s also beneficial for heart health, immune health, cancer, and blood sugar reduction. Now that’s a plant with benefits!

Our artisans at Blue Water Pool Mosaics understand you not wanting to wade in seaweed sludge; that’s why they spent extra time meticulously designing our seaweed mosaics.

Mosaic Plants Option 2 – Seagrass

Seagrasses are the only flowering plants that grow in marine environments. There are about 60 species of fully marine seagrasses.

Approximately 70 to 100 million years ago, terrestrial plants recolonized the ocean, resulting in seagrasses. 

There’s a lot to like about seagrass; it’s sturdy and can be used to weave baskets. 

Seagrass also has excellent eye appeal and makes a beautiful addition to your pool. 

plant mosaics

Don’t Forget Lily Pads

We’ve got them, because where would frogs be without their nature-inspired rafts? Frogs, believed to bring you good luck, are featured with our lily pad mosaics for that very reason. 

Lily pads are an all-time favorite. Because of their simple beauty, water lilies are ornamental plants added to ponds. And your pool is no exception. 

Maybe you will have a frog in your pool! Your neighborhood bullfrog may find its way to your backyard body of water once he sees a glimpse of the healing properties of our pool mosaics.

And what are those properties?

Let’s start with the obvious:

  • Pool mosaics make you happy.
  • They catch the sun and float, perfect for the lily pad!
  • And the best part is you don’t have to water them because they stay watered! 

What are you waiting for? Spring is here, and all you need to do is hop on over to Blue Water Pool Mosaics, pick out your favorite and let the mosaics fall where they may.

 Still not sure which one is right for you? We’ll brainstorm with you. Call us today

July 24, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

July 10, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

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