How Do I Find the Right Mosaic Design?

Like any other feature at your home, the visual aesthetics of your pool are important to your happiness as a pool owner. That’s easy to say but picking the right design elements for your new pool can be time consuming and frustrating. In today’s blog post, we’ll take a look at four things to consider when designing the perfect water mosaic for your pool.


One of the most important factors in beginning to design a pool mosaic is cost. Do your research and find out how much it will cost to design, create, and install your custom mosaic. Some companies may charge to provide design assistance and others might provide free mock-ups to guide you in the process. Be mindful that cost should not be the main constraint to your custom water mosaic. Be price conscious but be pleased with your new pool look.


Another factor to consider when designing a custom water mosaic is the color scheme. It’s not simply about picking a color that works from a sample or a catalog. This is true because you have to consider how colors change depending on location, lighting, time of day, and other factors. Before you pick a color or a palette, take a look at the pool in which you’ll be installing the mosaic. Does the design meet your vision? How does it look in the middle of the day? How does it look at night? If possible, ask your design team for sample tiles that you can test before you buy!


A third thing to consider when designing a pool mosaic is the overall style of the design. Similar to what we just discussed about color, you want to be sure that the design options suit your vision. Why spend money on a design that doesn’t fit your aesthetic or that you aren’t in love with? Consider how an updated water mosaic design will fit the aesthetic of the rest of your home. Is your taste more classic, more modern, or more eclectic? Answering this question can help guide what options are the most likely to fit your needs.


The final thing to consider when designing your custom water mosaic is material. The good news is that you have a lot of choices in your mosaic tiles. The bad news is that you have to make a decision! Pool mosaic tiles come in a large variety of materials: porcelain, ceramic, glass, and stone are the most popular. Keep in mind that different materials can change the look of your mosaic design dramatically.

Ready to Design Your Water Mosaic?

Now that you have some elements to keep in mind, it’s time to find the right experts to help you find a design to suit your needs and tastes. Since 1981, the team at Blue Water Pool Mosaics has been finding the right custom water mosaic design for thousands of customers. We’re family-owned and operated and we always have been. When you’re ready to talk about customizing your pool, contact our design team today!

July 24, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

July 10, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

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