How to Choose Your Compass Medallion Mosaic Tile

Are you in need of some cheering up? Is your community pool on hiatus due to pandemic social distancing? Do you find yourself postponing that trip to the ocean? Wouldn’t you just love to wiggle your toes in the sand, kick back in a lounge chair, feel the breeze, and catch some rays? All valid questions for anyone who has been cooped up, just itching for some outdoor time.

If you close your eyes, you can see it. Taste it. Feel it. That rush of the great outdoors, with the cool water in your face, and iced tea on the table beside your lounge chair. What if we told you that all you have to do is walk outside?

Creating the ambiance you desire begins with you in mind. Your preferences, your lifestyle, and your statement are all about choices, beginning with the decor. How about a compass medallion mosaic tile creation to bring out your inner designer?

Here at Blue Water Pool Mosaics, we have always been drawn to the compass medallion for various reasons, and these are just a few:

  • There’s the History of the Compass

Originating in China during the Han Dynasty and used as a navigational tool for ocean travel, the compass has pointed the way for many wayward voyagers. Because it made travel safer, maritime trade was greatly improved.

We see it in the movies, where a character who is lost in the wild takes a needle out of a wristwatch and floats it on a leaf in a pool of water such as a stream or puddle. Eventually, the leaf rotates until it points to the magnetic north. This little life-saving tool can fit in one’s pocket, be worn around the neck, and for the backyard enthusiast, can even grace a pool.

  • There’s the History of the Medallion

Once reserved as a means of displaying portraits of kings and queens, medallions are an ancient art form first introduced by the Romans. Coveted items throughout history, modern medallions are the envy of every Olympic athlete who strives for the coveted gold. Is it any wonder that there is so much competition?

Add to that the medallions that are presented for military service, and what you have is a medal of honor attached to a ribbon, pinned to a uniform, well known and respected as the Purple Heart. Even the Cowardly Lion in “The Wizard of Oz” dissolved into tears when presented with a medal for his courage.

  • There’s the Spiritual Connection

It’s the piecing together of small parts to make up the whole that makes the mosaic so fascinating. There’s a spiritual tone here if you think about it. We are put on this earth to play a role in humanity. A mosaic is highly indicative of a purpose greater than ourselves.

  • There’s the Aesthetic Value

Any way you look at it, mosaics are enchanting. If you view each piece of a mosaic as fragments combined on a canvas, what you end up with is art. It’s stunning and alluring and beckons you to drink it in with your eyes.

But what design to choose? We are glad you asked! One might not think of a mosaic as having meaning, but before you decide, let’s make sure you’re jumping into the right pool.

Perhaps you’d like to know the meaning behind some of the symbols that we offer.

  • The Compass Rose

This beauty is used on nautical charts and maps to display the cardinal directions. If you want your design to represent awakening, discovery, independence, and infinite possibilities, consider the wind rose, as it is sometimes called.

  • Flower Medallions

Invoking protection and guidance, there’s flower power in these mosaics that provide no shortage of uplifting elegance. There’s no arguing this point: the flower medallion satisfies the inner artist, even the untrained eye. Upon first glance, it is nearly impossible to look away.

  • The Sun

The verdict is in: a significant portion of the population suffers from negative emotions when it’s rainy and gloomy. Representing strength, energy, life, and growth, the sun is a mood influencer. There’s a reason every Beatles fan knows the words to “Here Comes the Sun.”

  • The Moon

Isn’t it incredible that we can all look up at the same moon? There’s connectivity here that cannot be denied. We don’t give much thought to these kinds of things when we are young, but as we mature, we are drawn to our heritage, including wisdom handed down through the ages. The moon is the guiding light after the sun has had its say, tempting many a stargazer to slow down, reflect, and dream.

  • The Mandala

Although the mandala has gained popularity in recent years in the form of adult coloring books, this complex Buddhist art has been around since at least the 4th century. Beginning with an inner circle, the center of the universe is the heart of the mandala. How apropos that you should add a mandala to your pool, since all life must have water to exist.

We could go on all day about how much we love our compass medallions, but would rather you visit us at Blue Water Pool Mosaics and see for yourself. Now that you know some of the meanings in the designs we offer, we invite you to take that trip you’ve been postponing and experience for yourself the vacation spot of your dreams, right in your backyard.

July 24, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

July 10, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

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