Peanuts Pool Mosaics: You’re a Cool Pool Mosaic, Charlie Brown

Peanuts Pool Mosaics: You’re a Cool Pool Mosaic, Charlie Brown

This summer’s a sizzler. Don’t even bother asking, “How do you like your eggs?” In these triple-digit dog days, you should ask, “Do you like your feet fried?” Are you hiding inside with the fan blowing in your face?  

Are you staying cool? If so, chances are Charlie Brown is nearby. Or maybe he’s off somewhere in one of the many countries where his syndicated comic strip is as alive today as ever. It could be he’s sent his Peanuts friends in his place. Let’s call them Pool and the Gang. And why? Because they are the coolest buddies around. They know how to snorkel, and oh, the things they discover! 

Let’s see who’s on the dive team.

Peanuts Pool Mosaics: There’s Lucy

Are you in need of advice? For the bargain-basement price of five cents, you can ask Lucy what to do. She’s a psychologist, a bossy-mouth girl, and wise beyond her years, but her five cents isn’t getting her very far. Maybe that’s why she’s suited up in your backyard pool: so she can hunt for abandoned coins in the ancient ruins on the bottom of the cement pond.

Sorry, but Lucy isn’t the sweetest berry in the bunch. She’s rude and arrogant and she’ll splash her opinions all over you, so you’d best not sit too close to the edge.

Still, Lucy’s part of the family – the gang, that is. What would any group of neighborhood kids be without that one know-it-all? The artisans at Blue Water Pool Mosaics did not disappoint when they pieced this 17″ x 36″ ceramic tile together. Hand-glazed and a fourth of an inch thick, you’ll think she’s lifelike with her fins waving in the water.

Maybe Lucy isn’t a hothead; perhaps she’s not a bully. It could be she needs to cool off a little; after all, she’s not immune to sweltering in the sun. Give her a little space, and she’ll have you smiling and enjoying your whimsical decor.

Linus is Another of the Peanuts Pool Mosaics Available

Everyone needs that one friend, the one who’s the voice of reason, and Linus is it. When you need some leveling out, Linus is there to explain in his respectful manner that friends act in their friends’ best interests. 

Think of Linus as the sandbox philosopher. It’s not that he doesn’t clash with his big sister, Lucy; it’s just that he is the calm in an unsettled sea because he remains hopeful. 

What in the world would Linus be searching for with his snorkeling? He could be looking for the lost city of Atlantis or remnants from the Titanic. Scattered about the ocean floor are coins, hairbrushes, handbags, and even blankets, but Linus isn’t interested; he’s got his own blanket.

Wonder why a thinker carries a security blanket? No one knows; it’s part of his character. No wet blanket here; you’ll likely find it beside the pool draped over a chaise longue or spread out on the lanai, so he can drip dry before coming inside.

Then, Of Course, There’s Snoopy

Peanuts pool mosaics

Not to be confused with any other Joe Cool on the planet, Snoopy is in a class of his own. As the Flying Ace, he’s leaping into the deep end of your pool. Look out, Red Baron; Snoopy’s making a splash decked out in his scuba diving gear. He thinks he’s hiding behind that mask while he searches for pizza hidden in the coral reefs and a root beer to wash it down. But first, time for a snooze on that red doghouse. 

Perhaps no Peanuts character has enjoyed the popularity of Snoopy. And rightly so: he’s a scamp. Let him play one of his pranks, and he’ll break out in his famous happy dance. There’s no doubt that Snoopy is an icon; the artisans at Blue Water Pool Mosaics think so, too, and that’s one reason he belongs in your pool. 

Think of Snoopy as your cheer-up committee, your welcome-home, and your poolside greeter who guarantees a good time for everyone. It’s hard to stay grumpy with 24 x 18 inches of Snoopy looking at you from the pool.

While everyone has their favorite Peanuts character, it’s safe to say that there’s a little bit of each character in all of us. Sometimes we all feel “Bleh!” Snoopy’s non-verbal, but he gets his point across every time. 

Owning a pool is about more than getting wet. It’s about jumping in and taking us back to simpler times and the truly valuable things: friendship, family, laughter, relationships, relaxation, and renewal. And you can find it in your backyard, starting with your pool. 

Need a little help deciding where to put your Peanuts? We think they belong in your pool! The only thing you’ll wonder is what took you so long. Call Blue Water Pool Mosaics today and put some cool in your pool.

July 24, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

July 10, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

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