Winter Maintenance Tips for Pools and Pool Mosaics

Winter Maintenance Tips for Pools and Pool Mosaics

Does pool maintenance matter? It does if you value your pool. Maybe you’ve got a standard pool with no bells and whistles. Then again, let’s say you’ve added your favorite decor from Blue Water Pool Mosaics; now you’ve got a private luxury spa. Not only is it the envy of the neighborhood, but it’s also a statement piece. And that’s just for starters! 

While a pool is one of the most effective ways to nurture yourself, pool maintenance is probably the most important thing you can do to keep a fresh, clear, clean, blue appearance. And preparing for the winter is no exception. 

Have you ever seen a pool that’s been left unattended? What’s your first thought as you walk up to the edge – jumping in? Chances are you’re thinking, “Not me!” 

After all, who’s up for diving into a body of water full of debris, green algae – or worse, bacteria? For lack of a better word, that’s a pool that’s sick. But that’s what you could have unless you winterize your pool. 

Do you need to farm out the maintenance? Well, not necessarily; you can do it yourself with the right equipment and procedures. 

So what does it take to have a healthy pool come summer? 

Here are a few steps:

What You Need to Winterize Your Pool

  • A winter kit with chemicals to filter through the system is a must. You’ll need shock, algaecide, and other solutions. Algae can cause permanent stains, so recommended use is in your best interests. 
  • Shop vac to remove water from the line
  • PVC pipe to remove water from the return line
  • RV antifreeze or marine antifreeze (non-toxic)

Cleaning the Pool is the First Step in Pool Wintering 

  • Remove any toys, accessories, or equipment. 
  • Lower the water level about 4-6 inches below the water line (this will reduce the likelihood of damage to your pool tiles. If the water is at the same level as the tiles, the water can freeze and cause the tiles to crack.)
  • Scrub down the sides.
  • Drain pump, filters, heater and chlorine equipment 
  • Balance the PH level at least once a week; you want to make sure it’s in the standard range.
  • Empty the chemical feeder.
  • Get into the habit of cleaning the pool at least once a week during the off-season; it will go a long way to enjoying a clean, inviting pool come summer.

pool mosaics

Extra Steps to Keep Your Pool and Pool Mosaics the Ultimate Dreamscape Long After the Big Chill is Gone

  • Cover the pool to protect it from debris and keep it from cracking (this step is optional, but helpful). Make sure the cover is snug; otherwise, why bother covering it? 
  • Since water expands when it freezes, you can assume it can damage your pool’s plumbing. 
  • If the temperature dips below freezing, run your pump. Don’t worry as much about running the heater; running water doesn’t freeze, which is one reason we run a trickle of water in the winter to keep the pipes from freezing and open the doors to the pipes, especially on outer walls.

Of course, these are just some steps in preparing your pool for the winter. A pool service will have additional suggestions tested by experts. 

When selecting pool mosaics, it’s a good idea to double-check that they are frost-resistant and non-porous, so they don’t absorb water. You don’t want cracks or, worse, for the tile to pull away from the foundation. 

Wherever you live, you’ll want to do your homework and find out the best materials when installing a pool; it could be a game-changer where the durability of your pool is concerned. Installing your mosaics is no different. With the right materials and proper installation, your mosaics should last a long time.

Taking Care of Your Pool and Pool Mosaics

Let’s face it: by the time winter makes its exit, we’ve all had enough of shaking in our boots. We all can’t wait to say, “See ya later, Old Man Winter,” and the pool awaits.

Go ahead, relax. You deserve a little TLC. Stretch out on your chaise lounge. Sip your sweet tea and take a swim. Release those endorphins! 

When it comes to pools, Blue Water Pool Mosaics knows mosaics. Our artisans are the best in the business, and we carry a wide range of mosaic materials from ceramic to glass, drop-in mats, glow-in-the-dark, and frost-free. 

Have you got questions? You can ask us anything! At Blue Water Pool Mosaics, we can help you choose the perfect mosaics for your pool and climate. We’ve got something for everyone. Give us a call today.

July 24, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

July 10, 2024 | Blue Water Pool Mosaics

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